The following section aims at describing the measure between
dialog box in detail:
Accessing the Measure
Between Dialog Box
To access the Measure Between dialog box:
Click Measure Between
In DMU, you can also select Analyze > Measure Between from the
menu bar.
The Measure Between dialog box is displayed:
When an object is selected
in the 3D area, the last feature that modified the selected
object is considered as the support feature for measure
computation. This is illustrated in the following examples.
Example 1:
The selected face was last modified by Pocket.1 and not by
Hole.1. Therefore, Pocket.1 is considered as the support feature
for measure computation.
Example 2:
The selected face was last modified by Hole.1. Therefore, Hole.1
is considered as the support feature for measure computation.
When the Measure selection
is performed in the
specification tree, the selected object for
measuring is exactly the one from the tree. In the case of an
Extract, selecting in the specification tree enables to perform
measure computation on the Extract object itself.
Dialog Box Options
Other Axis: when selected,
lets you measure distances and angles with respect to a
local V5 axis system.
Keep Measure: when selected,
lets you keep the current and subsequent measures as features.
This is useful if you want to keep the measures
as annotations for example.
Some measures kept as features are
associative and can be
used to valuate parameters or in formulas. |
Note that in the Drafting and Advanced Meshing
Tools workbenches, measures are done on-the-fly and are
therefore not persistent nor associative and cannot be used as
Measure only shown elements:
when selected, lets you measure only the elements from the show
- Swapping the elements between show and hide spaces does
not modify the existing measurements.
- An update (automatic or manual) of the
existing measurements is necessary to modify
them after the swap.
- Select this check box before selecting any
Create Geometry: Lets you create
the points and line corresponding to the minimum distance
For more information, see
Creating Geometry from Measure Results.
Customize... : lets you customize display of measure results.
For more information, see
Customize Measure Between.
Defining Measure Types
Between (default type): measures distance and, if
applicable, angle between selected items.
Chain: lets you chain measures with the last selected
item becoming the first selection in the next measure.
Fan: fixes the first selection as the reference so
that you always measure from this item.
Defining Selection 1 and Selection 2 Modes
Any geometry: measures distances and, if
applicable, angles between
defined geometrical entities (points, edges, surfaces, etc.). By default, Any geometry option is selected.
The Arc center mode is activated in this selection mode. |
This mode
recognizes the axis of cylinders and lets you measure the distance
between two cylinder axes for example.
If you select the axis of cylinders in
visualization mode or on a CGR representation, note the axis
is still displayed after the measure is made. See pictures
Selecting an axis system in the specification tree
makes the distance measure from the axis system origin.
You can select sub-entities of V5 axis systems in the geometry area
only. For V4 axis systems, distances are always measured from the
- Any geometry,
infinite: measures distances and, if applicable,
angles between the infinite
geometry (plane, line or curve) on which the selected geometrical
entities lie. Curves are extended by tangency at curve ends.
For an arc selection in Any geometry, infinite
mode, this is the arc edge that is considered and no
longer the arc center.
Any geometry, infinite
Any geometry
Picking point: measures distances between
points selected on tessellated geometries.
The picking point is selected on tessellated geometry and depends on the sag value used. It may not
correspond to the exact geometry.
The resulting measure will always be non
In the DMU section viewer, selecting two
picking points on a curve gives the distance along the curve
between points (curve length or CL) as well as the minimum
distance between points.
The picking point selection is not compatible
with Maximum distance from 1 to 2 measurement.
In the DMU section
viewer, selecting two picking points on a curve gives
the distance along the curve between points (curve length or CL)
as well as the minimum distance between points.
Point only: measures distances between
points. Dynamic highlighting is limited to points.
Edge only, Surface only: measures
distances and, if applicable,
angles between edges and surfaces respectively. Dynamic
highlighting is limited to edges or surfaces and is thus simplified
compared to the Any geometry mode. All types of edge are supported.
Product only:
measures distances between products.
Products can be specified by
selecting product geometry, for example an
edge or surface, in the geometry area or the specification tree.
Picking axis: measures distances
and, if applicable, angles
between an entity and an infinite line perpendicular to the screen. Simply click to create infinite line
perpendicular to the screen.
Intersection: measures distances
between points of intersection between two lines/curves/edges or a
line/curve/edge and a surface. In this case, two selections are
necessary to define selection 1 and selection 2 items.
Geometrical entities (planar
surfaces, lines and curves) are extended to infinity to determine the
point of intersection. Curves are extended by tangency at curve ends.
Defining the Calculation Mode
Exact else approximate (default mode):
measures access exact data and wherever possible true values are
given. If exact values cannot be measured, approximate values are
given (identified by a ~ sign).
Exact: measures
access exact data and true values are given.
- A sketcher is not considered as a geometrical entity
in itself, but it contains many sub-geometrical
- A PartBody also contains many sub-geometrical
elements in itself, which restricts the calculation type
to be exact.
- Measuring in exact mode is not permitted on a
multi-selection of elements.
- Therefore, it is not possible to perform a
measurement in exact mode on a sketcher.
However, selecting sketcher geometry (a sketcher axis
for instance) is permitted in exact mode measurement.
In certain cases, in particular if products are selected, a warning
dialog box informs you that the exact measure could not be made.
After some geometric operations, vertices (and corresponding macro
points) may combine several representations on different supports
(curves or surfaces). These representations are not all located in
the same position in space which means that the exact position of the
vertex cannot be determined. Only one vertex representation is
visualized. Measure Between measurements are made with respect to the visualized
representation. Measuring distance between two points therefore
depends on the chosen representation. Any calculation errors are due
to the fact that the exact position of the vertex cannot be
Approximate: measures are made on
tessellated objects and approximate values are given (identified by a
~ sign).
You can hide the display of the ~ sign using
the Tools > Options command (General >
Parameters and Measure > Measure Tools).
The number of decimal places, the display of
trailing zeros and limits for exponential notation is
controlled by the Units tab in the Options dialog box (Tools
> Options, General > Parameters and Measure).
For more information, see the Infrastructure User's Guide.
Using the Other Selection... command in the
contextual menu, you can access the center of spheres.
If you checked the
Measure option in the Measure Between dialog box, your
measures are kept as features and your specification tree will look
something like this if measures were made on the active product.
Or like this, if measures were made on the active part.
Note: If the product
is active, any measures on parts are placed in No Show. |
Some measures kept as features are
associative. In Design Mode,
if you modify a part or move a part in a product structure context and
the measure is impacted, it will be identified as not up-to-date in the
specification tree. You can then update it locally have it updated
When measures are used to valuate parameters, an
associative link between the measure and parameter is created.
Measures can also be used in formulas.