Refit Surfaces and Curves

This task explains how to adapt the shape of surfaces or curves to support elements.
Open the RefitSurface.CATPart document.
  1. Click the Refit icon .
    The 'Refit' dialog box opens.

  1. Select the surfaces Surface.1 to 9.
    In the specification tree, for each selected surface is displayed a refit element.

  2. Select the surface Surface.19 as support.

  1. Click OK to refit the surfaces Surface.1 to 9 to the selected support.

You can define the following options:
  • Type:
    • Single cells: For the Refit operation can only be selected mono-cell elements.
    • Multiple cells: For the Refit operation can be selected multi-cell elements (joins).
  • Elements: Selection of the elements to be refit.
  • Support: Selection of the supports to which the elements shall be refit.
  Options tab
  • Direction: see Defining a direction
  • Parameter:
    • Max. dist.: If the check button is switched on, the refit calculation includes only support elements with a distance to the original elements smaller than the value specified in the text field.
      • CLEARED: The refit calculation includes all support elements.
      • SELECTED: The refit calculation includes only support elements with a distance to the original elements smaller than the value specified in the text box.
  • Option:
    • Crop: If the selected elements are faces (trimmed surfaces), the underlying surfaces are cropped to the size of the faces. When projecting oversize elements onto a small support, a better result will be created using this option.
  See Approximation tab
  See Output tab
Note: In case of constructions on top, the options Multi-Result and Single-Result are not available for subsequent edition, as updates cannot be guaranteed to be free of errors.
  Click 'More Info' to display deviations and output results.
  • Display: Depending on the options selected, values are displayed in the graphics area.
  • U+V: Display of the UV vectors of curves and surfaces.
  • Dynamic, Static, None: See Apply Modes
  • Deviation:
    • Max.: Indicates the maximum deviation of the Refit result from the support.
  • Output Result: See Output Result