Creating Project Curves

This task explains how to project a curve on a surface, a plane, or a scan.
Open the ProjectCurves.CATPart document.
  1. Click the Curve Projection icon .
    The 'Curve Projection' dialog box opens.

  1. Select the curve as 'Element'.

  2. Select the surface as 'Support'.

  1. Set 'Selection' as direction type in the 'Direction' field.

  2. Click the Z button to select the Z axis as direction.

  1. Select 'Apply'. The curve is projected on the surface.

  1. Select the option 'G1' for 'Start' in the 'Extrapolation' field.

  2. Select 'Apply'. The start position of the projected curve is tangentially extrapolated.

  1. Select the option 'G1' for 'End' in the 'Extrapolation' field.

  2. Select 'Apply'. The end position of the projected curve is now also tangentially extrapolated.

  1. Select the option 'G2' for 'Start' and 'End' in the 'Extrapolation' field.

  2. Select 'Apply'. The start and end position of the projected surface is extrapolated depending on curvature.

You can define the following options:
  • Element: Selection of the curves to be projected.
  • Points: Selection of the points to be projected.
  • Support: Selection of the projection support (surfaces).
  'Options' tab
  • Direction: see Defining a direction
  • Extrapolation: These options are only available for the projection on surfaces.
    Start and/or end of the projected curve is automatically extrapolated to the nearest surface edge and trimmed. The curve is extrapolated by the amount of its length at maximum.
    The extrapolation types G1' to 'G3' can be defined separately for the curve start and end (see figures above):
    • : The projection curve is extrapolated tangentially to the surface edge.
      For the extension a new cell is created.
    • : The projection curve is extrapolated curvature continuous (G2) to the surface edge.
      For the extension a new segment is created.
    • : Instead of the projection curve, first the original curve is extrapolated curvature continuous and then projected onto the support.
      In this case, no new segment is created.
  • Parameter: Parametrization of the projection curve
    • Domain: The following options are available:
      • Off: The parametrization of the curves to be projected is calculated across the entire curves independent of the selected support surfaces.
      • Separate: The curve is projected onto each surface of a selected surface cluster.
      • Divide: The parametrization of the curves is calculated across the entire curve, but the result is divided at each of the support surface boundaries.
      • 2D Curve: The 2D curve is a parameterized NURBS curve.
    • Tangent:
      • ON: The tangent at the start resp. end point of the projected curve lie exactly in the tangent plane of the support surface.
      • OFF: The tangent at start resp. end point of the projection may deviate from the tangent plane of its support surface. Typically, overall approximation error is smaller in this case.
    • Max Dist.: When projecting a curve on a surface, only those points having a distance from the original curve that is smaller than the value specified here are taken for the computation.
    • Basic Surface: If a face has been selected as support, the curves are projected onto the underlying surface of the face.
      Note: This option is recommendable when the curve to be projected is larger than the face being used as the support.
  See 'Approximation' tab
  See 'Output' tab
Click 'More Info' to display deviations and output results.
  • Display: The graphical display of the deviation values can be globally switched on and off.
  • Static, None: See Apply Modes.
  • Deviation
    • Max: Display of the maximum deviation between projection curve and support.
    • 2D: Display of the 2D deviation of the projected curve from the theoretical projected curve.
  • Output Result: See Output Result