The CATDUA V5 tool allows you to have a support for CATIA level changes, to make a diagnostic and eventually a healing of CATIA Version 5 data. If some return codes are detected within CATIA elements, it is advisable to run the CATDUA V5 utility on these documents in order to check and / or clean them. And for better performances, the versions of CATDUA and CATIA should be the same.

The CATDUA V5 is useful in the following situations:

  • (Before) recovering external data,
  • Editing an existing document in a new CATIA release,
  • Links are broken when opening CATProducts,
  • Incidents occur when updating a component (for instance, Sketch update),
  • The Links window appears: some documents are found without any references,
  • Performance problems when opening a document (because some elements have lost their links).
Bear in mind that appropriate licenses are required to:
  • access documents in ENOVIA LCA and ENOVIA VPM. For instance, if you do not have the license required for using VPM Navigator, you will not be able to select the ENOVIA LCA type.
  • execute the corresponding domain rules. For instance, you need a Product Structure license to be able to execute the rules of the Product Structure domain.
For ENOVIA DMU, the CATDUA V5 is P2 only.
The following tasks explain you how to launch the CATDUA V5 in interactive mode or in batch mode, how to visualize the report of the check/clean execution and lastly, how to interpret the return codes that can be detected by this tool.

Running CATDUA V5 from a V5 Session
Running CATDUA V5 in Batch Mode
Viewing the Results of CATDUA V5 Execution
Table of Detected Return Codes
List of Detected Return Codes
Administering the Error List