Creating a Flange

This task explains how to generate a flange from a spine and a profile.

For the Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench, open the NEWSweptWall01.CATPart document.

For the Aerospace SheetMetal Design workbench, open the Aero_SweptWall01.CATPart document.


Create a Flange without Support

  1. Click Flange in the Walls toolbar (Swept Walls sub-toolbar).

    The Flange Definition dialog box is displayed.

    Note that the image in the right-hand pane of the dialog box is updated as you choose your parameters and options, and provides a graphical explanation about the current selection.

    By default, the icon which is pre-selected next to the Angle field corresponds to an acute angle  for the Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench, and to an obtuse angle  for the Aerospace SheetMetal Design workbench.
  2. Select the edge as shown in red.

    The Spine field is updated with the selected edge.

    • You can use the Remove All button to remove the selected edges.

    • You can use the Propagate button to select all tangentially contiguous edges forming the spine.

  3. Select the flange type:

    • Basic: the flange is created along the whole support (as in our scenario)

  4. Choose the flange parameters:

    1. Enter 15mm in the Length field. Use the icons next to the field to specify the type of length. Note that the length is always computed using the lowest external point of the flange.

    2. Enter 45deg in the Angle field. Use the icons next to the field to specify whether the angle is acute  or obtuse .

  5. Optional: Click the Reverse Direction button to reverse the direction of the flange.

  6. Click OK to create the flange.
    The flange is created and the feature is added to the specification tree.


Create a Flange with a Support

  1. Click Flange and select an edge.

  2. Select the support type:

    • Trim Support trims the selected edge

      The Trim Support option only works in the case of a planar support.
    • Plane Support enables the planar face of the flange to lie in the orientation plane.

      Select the Orientation Plane.
      It can be:
      • a plane created in the Generative Shape Design workbench
      • a translated plane
      • any planar face or surface

      It should be perpendicular to the selected edge and intersect its support face:


      The Angle type icon next to the Angle field disappears. The angle in this case is the orientation angle measured with respect to the selected plane support.
  3. Optional: Click the Invert Material Side button to reverse the material side.

  4. Optional: Click the Reverse Direction button to reverse the direction of the flange.

    This option is only available when the Trim Support or Plane Support check box is selected, otherwise it is deactivated.
  5. Click OK to create the flange with a support
    Trim Support

    Plane Support


More about the Relimited Flange

Selecting Relimited updates the dialog with two new fields (Limit 1 and Limit 2) to let you specify the flange limits.

You can then select as the limits two points, two planar faces, a point and a planar face, or a point and a vertex, as shown below, for example.

Note that right-clicking in the Limit 1 and Limit 2 fields lets you create the limits (points, plane) or choose the X, Y or Z plane on-the-fly.


More about the Bend Allowance

Click the More button to display the Bend Allowance  tab allowing you to locally redefine the bend allowance settings.

The value defined for the K factor in the Sheet Metal Parameters is used as the default value. Note that according to the DIN standard, if the radius is modified, the K factor is adjusted accordingly.

You may need to deactivate the formula using the contextual menu on the field and choosing Formula > Deactivate before editing the value.

In this case, the new K Factor value overrides the value set in the Sheet Metal Parameters.

A preview of the flange to be created is displayed in the geometry area.