Editing the Sheet and Tool Parameters

This section explains how to change the different sheet metal parameters needed to create your first feature.

  1. Click Sheet Metal Parameters .

The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed.

  1. Change the Thickness if needed.

  1. Change the Minimum Bend Radius if needed.
    The Minimum Bend radius defines the minimum internal radius allowing the creation of a bend.

  You can set the value to 0 to create bend with no radius. If using the DIN standard, the KFactor automatically sets to 0 as well.

This option is only relevant with the Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench.

  1. Change the Default Bend Radius if needed.
    The Default Bend Radius corresponds to the internal radius and is linked by default to the creation of the bends.

Convention dictates that the inner angle between the two elements is used to define the bend.
It can vary from 0deg to 180deg exclusive. This angle is constant and the bend axis is rectilinear.

This option is only relevant with the Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench.

  1. Click OK to validate the Sheet Metal Parameters.


The Standard field displays the Standard to use with the part, if implemented. The name of this standard file is defined in a Design Table.

When the Check all the bend radii button is checked, and you click OK in the Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box, existing bend radii are checked and a list displays flanges or bends that do not use the minimum Bend Radius value as defined in step 3. Therefore, they will not be modified.

Parameters can be defined in a Design Table. To do so, press the Sheet Standards Files... button to access to the company-defined standards, if need be. For more information, refer to the Customizing Standard Files section.

All parameters hereafter, or only some of them, can be defined in this Design Table:
Sheet Metal Parameters Column associated in the Design Table Definition
Standard in Sheet Metal Parameters SheetMetalStandard sheet reference name
Thickness Thickness sheet thickness
Minimum Bend Radius MinimumBendRadius minimum bend radius
Default Bend Radius DefaultBendRadius default bend radius
K Factor KFactor neutral fiber position
Radius Table RadiusTable path to the file with all available radii
In all cases, the Thickness parameter must be defined in the Design Table in order for the other parameters to be taken into account.
Whenever both Radius Table and Default Bend Radius are defined in the Design Table, only the Radius Table will be taken into account for the bend creation.
Standard Names For Holes Column associated in the Design Table Definition
Clearance Hole ClearanceHoleStd path to the Clearance Hole Standard file
Index Hole IndexHoleStd path to the Index Hole Standard file
Manufacturing Hole ManufacturingHoleStd path to the Manufacturing Hole Standard file
Fastener Hole FastenerHoleStd path to the Fastener Hole Standard file
Standard Names For Stamps Column associated in the Design Table Definition
Flanged Hole ExtrudedHoleStd path to the Flanged Hole Standard file
Bead BeadStd path to the Bead Standard file
Circular Stamp CircularStampStd path to the Circular Stamp Standard file
Surface Stamp SurfaceStampStd path to the Surface Stamp Standard file
Flanged CutOut FlangedCutoutStd path to the Flanged CutOut Standard file
Curve Stamp CurveStampStd path to the Curve Stamp Standard file
  When a parameter refers to a path, another sub-Design Table will be associated to the corresponding feature.

1. Here is an example for the use of a bend allowance table:

  Main Sheet Metal Parameters Design Table
  Radius Table For Thickness 2
This table defines available all bend radii for a thickness of 2 mm. A design table will be created on the Default Bend Radius of the Sheet Metal Parameters and on the Radius of each bend.

  Bend Table for Thickness 2 and Bend Radius 1
Whenever a bend is created, a radius table will be associated. If the configuration "Bend Radius = 1mm" is selected,  a new design table (the Bend Table) will be created from BendTableT2R1.xls in order to compute the bend allowance.
According to the open angle, the bend deduction will be read in the Allowance column or interpolated if necessary.


2. Here is an example for the use of a hole standard file:

  Main Sheet Metal Parameters Design Table
  Hole Standard
Whenever a hole is created, a design table will associate its radius with a standard name.


3. Here is an example for the use of a stamp standard file:

  Main Sheet Metal Parameters Design Table
Whenever a stamp is created, a design table will associate its dimension with a standard name.
  • Surface Stamp
  • Curve Stamp
  • Circular Stamp
  • Bead
  • Bridge
  • Flanged Cutout
  • Extruded Hole
    (or Flanged Hole in the Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench)
  • Stiffening Rib