Nodes Customization

This tab deals with the following categories of options:
For each section, you have the possibility to check the option: Customized display and the same Configure window appears.
  1. Click the Customized display box and the Configure button become active.

  2. Press the Configure button and the Configure customized display window is displayed:

In this window, you can select different options:
  • Part number (#PN#),

  • Revision (#RE#),

  • Definition (#DF#)

  • Nomenclature (#NO#),

  • Source (#SO"),

  • Description (#DR#).

Link to Reference:
  • Short Reference Path (#SRP#)
  • Instance name (#IN#),
  • Description (#DI#).
  • Shape Name (#SN#),
  • Short Description (#SD#),
  • Environment (#EN#),
  • Source (#SC#).
You can click the box of your choice and the diagram of this option (#DR# for Description, for instance) is automatically reported in the empty field, in the top of the window. By default, the #PN# option is always selected.

You can directly replace the diagram (#PN#,#RE#,...) by the term of your choice (between two #) and it will appear in the Product Structure. By the same way, you can add a comma and a blank space between these parameters.

  • You can make customization easily in retrieving existing attributes with the help of these check boxes.
  • In the Editor, you can specify any string or attributes of the product. Attributes can be provided once or several times by clicking on the corresponding check box. The option of clearing these checkboxes is not available.

Reference Product

By default, this option is not selected.
Open AnalyzingAssembly02.CATProduct and unload CRIC_TOP.CATPart. For more information about unloading components, please refer to the Product Structure User's Guide.
Reference Product:
  • Customized display: if you select this option, you will decide what will be seen at the root product level, in the Specification Tree. For example:
  1. Select Properties in the contextual menu of AnalyzingAssembly02.CATProduct.

  2. Enter a number in the Revision field (10 for instance) and click OK.

  3. Select the Tools  >  Options  >  Infrastructure  >  Product Structure command and click the Nodes Customization tab.

  4. Click the Customized display box under the Reference Product section. Press the Configure button.

  5. In the Configure customized display field, select select Revision (#RE#).

  6. Click Close and then OK. You can visualize the result in the second picture.

Product instance, reference loaded

By default, this option is not selected.
  • Customized display: if you select this option, you will decide what will be seen at the Instance level (Instance whose the Reference is loaded), in the Specification Tree. For example:
  1. Select Properties in the contextual menu of CRIC_FRAME.CATPart.

  2. Change the Instance Name ("first instance") and add a Definition: "A1".

  3. Select the Tools  >  Options  >  Infrastructure  >  Product Structure command and click the Nodes Customization tab.

  4. Click the Customized display box under the Product instance, reference loaded section. Press the Configure button.

  5. In the Configure customized display field, delete the Instance Name, therefore the Instance name will not be visible in the Specification Tree even if it has been redefined previously via the Properties command.

  6. Click the Close and then OK. You can visualize the result in the second picture.

Product instance, reference unloaded

By default, this option is not selected.
  • Customized display: Check Customized Display.
  1. Select Properties in the contextual menu of CRIC_TOP.CATPart, which is unloaded (Visualization mode).

  2. Modify the Instance Name ("bis").

  3. Select the Tools  >  Options  >  Infrastructure  >  Product Structure command and click the Nodes Customization tab.

  4. Click the Customized display box under the Product instance, reference unloaded section. Press the Configure button.

  5. In the Configure customized display field, delete the Part Number diagram (#PN#), therefore the Part Number will not be visible whereas the Instance name will be visible in the Specification Tree.

  6. Click Close and then OK. You can visualize the result in the second picture.

If you are using CATIA with cache system or reference unloaded, the information that you can usually display on each node will not be available for the CATPart nodes when opening a CATProduct.

In this case, the unavailable information is replaced by the character string '[?]'. There is one exception: the "Part Number" (#PN#) is replaced by '[NNNN]' where NNNN is the name of the file containing the CATPart (without the directory name).

The unavailable information is made available when you use the "Properties" command on a CATPart. At this moment, the '[?]' strings are replaced by the real values for this particular node in the specification tree.


These attributes are also accessible in the component's contextual menu: Edit  >  Properties.
For instance, open the following example ManagingComponents01.CATProduct and select the Edit  >  Properties contextual command of CRIC_AXIS.CATPart.

The Instance name field in the Properties dialog box show attributes of the first instance only, and so authorize you to modify only the attribute of the first instance.

For more information about Component Properties, please refer to Modifying Component Properties in CATIA - Product Structure User's Guide.

  1. Click the Define other properties button to add new attributes to CRIC-AXIS.CATPart and click the New Parameter of type button. The following dialog box appears:

You can add the "Price" parameter in the Edit name and value field:

And you can notice the modifications in the Properties dialog box:

  1. Click OK.

  2. Select the Tools  >  Options  >  Infrastructure  >  Product Structure command and the Nodes Customization tab. Check the option Customized Display and choose the following settings:

To specify the Price parameter, you need to use these characters: #@xxx@#.

  1. Click OK. And you obtain in the following result in the Specification Tree: