- Multi-selection of input elements is available.
- Elements can be selected in the specification tree or in the 3D
- In a Part context, you can select:
- A Geometrical Set: All visible surfaces are selected.
- An Ordered Geometrical Set: All visible surfaces are
- A Body or a Partbody: The solid associated is selected, if
it is visible.
- A hybrid body: All visible surfaces are selected, as well as
the associated solid, if it is visible.
- The part itself, according to the rules above.
- In a Product context, you can select the product, according
to the rules above. Note that:
- Transformations may be applied to create the mesh in the coordinate
system of the active part.
- Surface Tessellation is not compatible with the cache
- Surface Tessellation applies only to loaded
referenced documents.
- You can specify the maximum size of the triangles and the maximum
distance (sag) between the geometry and the triangles.
- You can choose to create Distinct or Grouped
- Note that selecting an element and selecting the components of
the element lead to different results. For example,
- If you select a join made of 5 surfaces, you will create one
mono-cell tessellation, with both the Distinct and the Grouped option.
- If you select the 5 surfaces of the join, you will create 5
tessellations with the Distinct option, and one 5-cell
tessellation with the Grouped option.
- The free edges of the tessellation are those of the surfaces or
- To avoid free edges between the tessellations of several contiguous
- You can join them with the Join action of Quick Surface
Reconstruction or Generative Shape Design.
They will then be processed as a single surface.