Creating a User Feature    

The scenario below describes in detail how to create a User Feature. A first User Feature has already been created. A new User Feature is now created. 
  • Note that datums (features that cannot be calculated) cannot be inputs of User Features. For more information about the User Feature limitations, click here.
  • The upgrade command available on user features does not upgrade internal features, as they cannot be edited in case of problems introduced by upgraded algorithms.
  1. Open the PktcreateaUDF.CATPart file. Note that this file already contains a User Feature located below the KnowledgeTemplates node.

  2. From the Start > Knowledgeware menu, access the Product Knowledge Template workbench.

  3. Click the Create a UserFeature icon (). The UserFeature Definition dialog box is displayed. 
    Replace the default User Feature name with Pad2, then click the Assemble.2 object in the specification tree. The dialog box looks like the one below:

  When creating the User Feature, the Selected components view shows the components that you clicked in the geometry and that make up the User Feature (see picture opposite).
If, after creating the User Feature, you double-click it, the dialog box that is displayed shows the Internal components of the User Feature, i.e, the instances of the selected components.
The components of a User Feature must be consecutive elements if they are located in an ordered set like an Ordered Geometrical Set. To know more, see Frequently Asked Questions: User Features
If a User Feature embeds a relation (i.e. rules, checks or formulas) that references one of the inputs of the User Feature, the selection of a geometrical Sub-element for this input will not be possible at instantiation time.
  1. Right-click on the Assemble.2 object in the Selected components section and click on the Add all authorized inputs as shown here below:


The system may display a Warning message if any of the selected inputs are not selectable because their manual selection is forbidden.    
  1. Select the Inputs tab and click on the Point.2 input as shown below:

  2. Select any of the available inputs and click either on or icons to reorder the selected one.

    • For example, select Point.2 and then click on the icon.

    • Point.2 is now placed under Point.3 as shown here below:

Note that the customized order will be reused at instantiation time.
  1. Select the Outputs tab. By default, the Assemble.2 object is displayed as the main result.

  2. Click OK in the dialog box. The Pad2 User Feature is added to the specification tree.

  3. Save your file.

  4. Keep this document open and proceed to Saving a User Feature in a Catalog.

For more information about the User Feature definition window, see About the User Feature Definition window. See the Quick Reference topic for a comprehensive list of the interactions that can be carried out on User Features.