Creating Delta Analysis/Delta Deflection

This task explains how to use options like Delta Analysis and Translator Delta Display.

Creating Delta Analysis

  1. Click the Delta Analysis icon .

A dynamic delta analysis between a reference surface and the current one as shown in the screenshot below. In this case of Delta Deflection, maximum deviation from the original surface is shown.

Two indications are displayed in the 3D: The reference surface (in “phantom” lines) and the delta value. In addition to this, a deviation frame was added in the dialog box to display the current deviation value (in case of multi-selection, the currently manipulated).

  1. In order to reset the reference surface to the current surface, right click on the mesh and choose the Reset Delta Reference item in the contextual menu.

  1. When not selected, the delta analysis is not computed. Nevertheless, for some particular operations on the mesh (e.g. order decrease, smooth, harmonization, symmetry) a computation is done and a furtive display of the result is processed. As soon as you begin to manipulate the mesh, this display disappears. This is done in order to provide a feedback on the modifications performed on their geometry during those local operations.

Translator Delta Display

  3D Distance: Click the 3D Distance icon that is available from the dashboard. This option provides a feedback on the distance between the current position of the translator and its latest one.

Local Coordinates: This option provides a feedback on the distance between the current position of the translator and its latest one, but in X, Y, Z (coordinates of the move vector).

Absolute Coordinates: This option provides the feedback on a current position of the translator in X, Y, Z.

Small U/V Identificator

  In addition to the customization of the U/V mesh lines, which can be quite confusing, a new small identificator was implemented to quickly identify U and V directions on the selected surfaces. Note that this identificator is displayed only on surfaces and not on curves. This identificator dynamically follows the modifications performed on the surfaces to always display in real-time the UV indication.