Symmetrizing the Control Points

When using the Control Points capability, you need to symmetrize the control points according to a reference plane.
The Symmetrize command symmetrizes the selected control points according to a reference plane:
  • By selecting an existing plane.
  • By creating a plane, through the contextual menu of the Reference Plane field.
  • By using the XY plane, through the contextual menu of the Reference Plane field.
  • By using the YZ plane, through the contextual menu of the Reference Plane field.
  • By using the ZX plane, through the contextual menu of the Reference Plane field.
Open the FreeStyle_Part_38.CATPart document.
  1. Click the Control Points icon:
    The Control Points dialog box appears.

  2. Select any surface or surface1.

  3. Select the desired control points.

  4. Select the reference plane as symmetry plane.

  5. Click the Symmetry icon: The control points are symmetrized.
    • Click once to apply the symmetry to the current position of the selected control points.
    • Double-click to apply the symmetry to the current position of the selected control points and to follow any future movement of the selected control points.
    • Click again to deselect.

  6. Click OK to validate the modifications and close the dialog box.

Symmetry mode is automatically launched when a plane is selected.

In V5R17, to enhance productivity, as soon as a plane is selected for the symmetry action, the symmetry button gets automatically checked so that the symmetry mode is automatically launched. To exit this symmetry mode, just uncheck the symmetry button.