This task shows you how to display
or hide geometric information on geometrical elements, such as any curve,
or surface, either as a stand-alone element, or taking part in the
composition of another element (intersection curve, cylinder axis, face of
a pad, and so forth).
Only geometry of topological cells is analyzed, therefore elements such
as cloud of points, for example, are not analyzed. |
Open the
FreeStyle_15.CATPart document, or any .CATPart document containing
geometrical elements. |
Click Geometric Information
Select the element for which you want to display
information either in the geometric area or in the specification tree.
The Geometric Analysis dialog box is displayed. |

Following information is displayed in the dialog
box, such as:
the geometry type (NURBS surface or curve,
Parameterized line, Plane, etc)
the canonical type
whether the element has been trimmed, or not
the number of components in both U & V
direction (where applicable)
the component order in both U & V direction
(where applicable).
Moreover, a vector representing the element's
orientation (U for a curve, and U & V for a surface) is displayed on the
geometrical element itself. |
In the case of a 3D curve created using the
Control Points type, the maximum order is 6.
For sweep features the displayed geometry type will be the one of
the included surface (e.g. NURBS surface).
For elements whose type is NURBS curve, Parameterized NURBS curve or
NURBS surface,
a (*) will be appended to the displayed type when the element is not
rational, i.e., a polynomial one.
You can stack this command on top of the
current command, i.e. that you editing an element using its control
points, you can activate the Geometric Information icon. The
current command is frozen, and when you exit the information command, you
are back into the initial command.
You cannot select an element from the
specification tree as the selected element might be too complex (i.e. be
composed of more than one cell) and the system cannot determine which
element is to be analyzed.
To display information on another element, select the
element in the 3D area or in the specification tree.
The information in the dialog box is updated.
Click Geometric Information
to exit the command.
The geometry type is categorized as follows: |
Displayed Type |
What is it ? |
geometrical element |
geometrical element |
element |
element |
Curve |
Curve |
Conic section |
Conic section |
Circle |
Circle |
Ellipse |
Ellipse |
Line |
Line |
NURBS curve |
Non Uniform
Rational B-Spline curve |
Spline |
Spline |
Foreign curve |
Curve created
by a CAA application |
Helix |
Helix |
Edge curve |
Curve group
corresponding to a topological edge |
curve |
Curve defined
in the parametric space of a surface |
circle |
Circle defined
in the parametric space of a surface |
ellipse |
defined in the parametric space of a surface |
parabola |
defined in the parametric space of a surface |
hyperbola |
defined in the parametric space of a surface |
line |
Line defined
in the parametric space of a surface |
NURBS curve |
Non Uniform
Rational B-Spline curve defined in the parametric space of a surface |
spline |
Spline defined
in the parametric space of a surface |
foreign curve |
Curve created
by a CAA application defined in the parametric space of a surface |
point |
point |
Point on curve |
Point lying on
a curve |
Point on edge
curve |
Point lying on
an edge curve |
Point on
surface |
Point lying on
a surface |
Macro point |
Point group
corresponding to a topological vertex |
Surface |
Surface |
Cylinder |
Cylinder |
Sphere |
Sphere |
Cone |
Cone |
Torus |
Torus |
Plane |
Plane |
NURBS surface |
Non Uniform
Rational B-Spline surface |
surface |
created by a CAA application |
Offset surface |
generated by offsetting a reference surface |
surface |
Surface of
revolution |
cylinder |
generated by translating a profile curve |