About Filter positions option: |
This option can be used to simplify the swept volume computation when the
replay object contains many positions or when you know what precision level
you need to obtain. The "filter precision" defines the maximum distance allowed between the simplified trajectory and the initial one (= discretization precision). |
1- Filtering swept volume positions |
The following example illustrates the impact of the filter positions option on the final result. | ||
Case 1:the Filter positions option is not checked: |
Case 2:the Filter positions option is checkedFiltering precision = 5mm |
| ||
Case 3:the Filter positions option is checkedFiltering precision = 10mm |
2- Relative swept volume
About Relative swept volume:You can compute the swept volume of a moving part in the system axis of
another moving part. |
If you use the relative swept volume option and select the circle as the reference product, you can
compute the square swept volume in the circle system axis. The result can now be relevant for clash analysis. |
About Level of Details option in preview: |
Without selecting Level of Details option, the preview appears with high
degree of details, resulting in perfect preview. Selecting level of details option reduces the number of polygonal objects used to represent the geometry, resulting in the appearance of a rough object in the preview window. |