- spline (Point, ...): Curve
Creates a spline from several points.
- intersect (Curve, Curve): Point
Constructs a point where two curves intersect.
- intersect (Curve, Surface): Point
Constructs a point where a curve and a surface intersect.
- intersect (Surface, Surface): Curve
Constructs the curve where two surfaces intersect.
- curveparallel (crv: Curve, sur: Surface,
offset: Length, OptionalRoundMode: Boolean): Curve
Constructs the curve parallel to another curve. The surface specified
in the second argument is the support.
- project (toproject:
Point, CurveOrSurfaceSupport: Wireframe, OptionalDir: Direction): Point
Projects a point onto a curve or a surface along an optional direction.
- project
Curve, support: Surface, OptionalDir: Direction): Curve
Projects a curve onto a surface along an optional direction.
- corner (crv1: Curve, crv2: Curve, support:
Surface, radius: Length, orientationCrv1: Boolean,
orientationCrv2: Boolean, trim: Boolean): Curve
Constructs a corner between two curves. Arguments 5 and 6 should be
used to scan the possible solutions.
See the Generative Shape Design User's Guide for more
information on corners.
- extrude (Point, Direction, length1: Length,
length2: Length, orientation: Boolean): Line
Extrudes a point depending on a direction. The result is a line.
- revolve (Point, axis: Line, angle1: Angle,
angle2: Angle): Circle
Enables you to create a circle by revolving a point according to
a given direction.