Point Constructors

Sample: KwrPointConstructors

  • point (x: Length, y: Length, z: Length): Point
    Creates a point from its three coordinates. Values or parameter names can be used to pass the arguments.
Specifying values:
Geometrical Set.1\Point.1   =
Specifying parameter names:
Geometrical Set.1\Point.4   =
  • pointbetween (pt1: Point, pt2: Point, ratio: Real, orientation: Boolean): Point
    Creates a point between another two points. If true is specified in the fourth argument, the third parameter is the ratio of the distance pt1-new point to the pt1-pt2 distance. If false is specified in the fourth argument, the ratio expresses the distance pt2-new point to the pt1-pt2 distance (to create a point at the middle between pt1 and pt2, specify a ratio of 0.5).

Geometrical Set.1\Point.5   =
pointbetween (Geometrical Set.1\Point.1, Geometrical Set.1\Point.2, 0.6, true)

  • pointoncurve (crv: Curve, pt: Point, distance: Length, orientation: Boolean): Point
    Creates a point on a curve. The point is to be created at a given curvilinear distance from a reference point specified in the second argument. The boolean specified in the fourth argument allows you to reverse the direction in which the point is to be created. If the point specified in the second argument is not on the curve, the projection of this point onto the curve becomes the actual reference point.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.6   =
pointoncurve (Geometrical Set.1\Spline.1, Geometrical Set.1\Point.5, 5mm, true)

  • pointoncurveRatio (crv: Curve, pt: Point, ratio: Real, orientation: Boolean): Point
    Creates a point on a curve. The location of the point to be created is determined by the real which is specified in the third argument. This real is the ratio of  the distance [point to be created > reference point] to the distance [point to be created > curve extremity]. The boolean specified in the fourth argument allows you to reverse the direction in which the point is to be created. If the point specified in the second argument is not on the curve, the projection of this point onto the curve becomes the actual reference point.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.7   =
pointoncurveRatio (Geometrical Set.1\Spline.1,Geometrical Set.1\Point.3, 0.4,true)

  • pointonplane (pln: Plane, pt: Point, dx: Length, dy: Length): Point
    Creates a point on plane. The location of the point to be created on the plane is determined by the coordinates (H,V system) passed in the third and fourth arguments. These values are specified with respect to the reference point passed in the second argument.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.8   =
pointonplane (Geometrical Set.1\Plane.1,Geometrical Set.1\Point.1, 10mm,10mm)

  • pointonsurface (sur: Surface, Pt: Point, Dir: Direction, dist: Length): Point
    Creates a point on surface. The location of the point to be created on the surface is determined by its distance (fourth argument) to a reference point (second argument) along a direction (third argument).

Geometrical Set.1\Point.9   =
pointonsurface (Geometrical Set.1\Extrude.1,Geometrical Set.1\Point.3,
direction (Geometrical Set.1\Line.1),10mm)

  • center (circle): Point
    Creates a point from a circle. The circle can be of any type (created within the Generative Shape Design workbench or using the Sketch command). The point which is created is the circle center.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.10   =
circle (Geometrical Set.1\Circle.1)

  • pointtangent (Curve, Direction): Point
    Creates the tangency point between a curve and a direction.  

Geometrical Set.1\Point.11   =
pointtangent (Geometrical Set.1\Spline.1, direction (`yz plane`))

  • extremum (Curve, Direction, Boolean, Direction, Boolean, Direction, Boolean): Point
    Constructs an extremum point. The inputs are a curve, three directions, and three booleans.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.2=
extremum (`Geometrical Set.1\Circle.1` ,direction (`xy plane` ) ,FALSE, direction (`xy plane` ),TRUE, direction (`xy plane` ),TRUE)

  • extremum (Surface, Direction, Boolean, Direction, Boolean, Direction, Boolean): Point
    Constructs an extremum point. The inputs are a surface, three directions, and three booleans.
  • extremum (Solid, Direction, Boolean, Direction, Boolean, Direction, Boolean): Point
    Constructs an extremum point. The inputs are a solid, three directions, and three booleans.
  • centerofgravity (Body,...): Point
    Constructs the center of gravity of a solid (i.e. a PartBody type feature). In case of a face, the center of gravity of the equivalent volume is computed with a unit thickness. Whereas, for a profile, it is computed with a unit section swept along the boundary.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.12   =
centerofgravity (PartBody) 

  • curvaturecenter (crv: Curve, pt: Point): Point
    Constructs the curvature center of a curve for a given point.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.13   =
curvaturecenter(Geometrical Set.1\Circle.1, Geometrical Set.1\Point.6)

  • point2dto3d (2DPoint: Point) : Point
    Converts a 2D point (i.e. a point in a 2D sketch) into a 3D point by valuating the parameters.


    Let L1 (List)
    Let L2 (List)
    Let L3 (List)

    L1 =
    PartBody\Sketch.1.Query("2DPoint", "")
    L2 =
    PartBody\Sketch.2.Query("2DPoint", "")
    L3 =
    PartBody\Sketch.3.Query("2DPoint", "")

    PartBody\Point.1 =
    PartBody\Point.2 =
    PartBody\Point.3 =
    PartBody\Point.4 =
    PartBody\Point.5 =
    PartBody\Point.6 =

    You can valuate a 2D point which can be an existing datum point or a volatile point. The constructor computes the new 3D point at the same coordinates as that of the 2D point.