Inserting Objects from OLE-Compliant Applications

This task shows you how to insert a Windows document into a V5 object, such as a drawing or a 2D layout representation:
Open a drawing representation or a 2D layout representation.

Creating a New Object

  1. In the OLE-compliant application, select Insert > Object.

    The Object dialog box appears. By default, the Create New tab is selected.
  2. From the drop-down Object Type list, select the Bitmap Image format.

  3. Click OK.
    A Paint window is automatically displayed, as this software is associated with the Bitmap Image format.

  4. Create the image.

  5. Select File > Update Representation1 to propagate your modifications into the drawing or 2D layout representation.

    Note: You can also close the Paint window (no save is needed).
  6. Back to the drawing (or 2D layout) representation window, your
    image is inserted at the view origin.

  7. If needed, move or resize the inserted object using the manipulators.

  8. Back to Paint, modify your picture if needed, then close the
    application (no save is needed to close Paint).


Creating an Object from File

  1. In the OLE-compliant application, select Insert > Object.

    The Object dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Create from File tab.

  3. Click Browse... then select your document from your file tree system.

  4. Check the Display As Icon option.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

    The object is inserted and displayed as an icon at the view origin.
  6. If needed, move or resize the object using the manipulators.


Cutting/Copying/Pasting from a Windows Application

  1. Open a Windows document, an Excel sheet for example.

  2. Right-click a cells selection.

  3. From the contextual menu, select Copy.

  4. Back in the drawing (or layout) representation window, right-click a sheet or view.

  5. From the contextual menu, select Paste or Paste Special.

    The object is inserted at the view origin.
  6. If needed, move or resize the object using the manipulators.


Modifying an Inserted Object

  1. In your V5 session, double-click the inserted object to open it.

  2. Its associated Windows application is automatically launched.

  3. Modify your document, then close the Windows application.

    The inserted objected is updated.