Creating V5 Data in OLE-Container Applications

This task shows you how to embed V5 data into an OLE-compliant application.
  1. In the OLE-compliant application, place the cursor where you wish to insert the new data and select Insert > Object.

    The Object dialog box appears:
  2. In the Object dialog box, check that the Create New tab is selected.

  3. Select the type of document you want to create.

    Note that the document type CATIA Model is listed but cannot be selected (because it is non-editable).
  4. Click OK to confirm.

  5. A gray frame is inserted at the desired location in your OLE-container file and a normal Version 5 session appears:

  6. When you have finished working on the new document close and save it.

If you prefer the Version 5 document to appear iconified, select Display as icon in the Object dialog box.