Embedding Existing V5 Data in OLE-Container Applications

This task shows you how to embed V5 data into an OLE-compliant application.
  1. In the OLE-compliant application, place the cursor where you wish to embed the data and select Insert > Object.

    The Object dialog box appears.
  2. In the Object dialog box, click the Create from File tab.

  3. Click Browse....

  4. In the Browse dialog box, specify the file location and click OK to confirm:

    Note: You can select
  5. A frame containing OLE.CATProduct is inserted at the desired location in your OLE-container file:

  6. If you want to work on the V5 document, double-click on this frame. A normal V5 session is displayed.

    However, the opened document is not the original one you inserted in your OLE-compliant application: it is a temporary document (with a different name) stored in your temporary settings located in the CATTemp folder.

    When you have finished making the changes, close and save the V5 document. Bear in mind that any changes you might make and save in V5 are saved in this temporary document.

    You see that the changes you have just made are reflected in the OLE-container document.

    If you click again the frame in the OLE-container document, you see that the temporary document re-opens in V5 (with the modifications you have saved, if any). If a session is already running, the document re-opens in the current session, otherwise a new V5 session starts.

    Deleting the frame in the OLE-container document closes the document in V5.