Creating New Documents

This task shows you how to create a new document when Version 5 is already running.


Using the File > New Command

  1. Click New in the Standard toolbar or select File > New (or press CTRL+N):

    The new document types you can create are listed.

    The list contains only the document types for the configurations/products you installed and for which you have a license.

  2. In the New dialog box, double-click the document type or select it then click OK. Choose the document type from the following:

    • Part

      A document like this appears:

    Bear in mind that the geometry you create in Version 5 is contained in a "box" whose dimensions are 2.e+6mm (the coordinates can vary from -1,000,000 mm to +1,000,000 mm). Therefore, creating elements exceeding these dimensions may lead to unpredictable results.

    For more information about the Part Design workbench, see the Version 5 - Part Design User's Guide.

    • Drawing

    After selection of the standard to be used, a dialog box like this appears:

    For more information about the Generative Drafting and Interactive Drafting workbenches, see the Version 5 - Generative Drafting User's Guide and Interactive Drafting User's Guide.
    • Product

    A document like this appears:

    For more information about the Assembly workbench, see the Version 5 - Assembly Design User's Guide.
    • Analysis

    A document like this appears:

    For more information about the Generative Structural Analysis workbench, see the Version 5 - Generative Structural Analysis User's Guide.
    • CatalogDocument

    A document like this appears:

    For more information about the Component Catalog Editor workbench, see the Version 5 - Component Catalog Editor User's Guide.
    • Process
    • ProcessLibrary
    • ZipMill.

    For more details about the above three document types, refer to the Version 5 - Prismatic Machining User's Guide and the Version 5 - Surface Machinist User's Guide.


Using the New Contextual Command on the Desktop

This task shows you how to create a new document whether or not Version 5 is already running.
  1. Either on the Desktop area of Windows or in the appropriate directory of the Windows Explorer (making sure you do not select any items when doing so), right-click once then select New:

  2. Select the document type you want to open:

    An empty icon indicating the document type is created (see Starting a Session Using Document Icons).
  3. Click in the name box that appears with the icon just created and replace the default name with a name of your own choosing (for example, replace NewPart.CATPart with MyFile.CATPart).

  4. Double-click the icon that is created.


The new document is created. If you do not have a session running, a session is opened.
A hybrid part body is always created even if hybrid design option is unchecked. In this case, icon is yellow instead of green (default).