Customizing Your Environment on Windows

This task explains how to customize an existing environment on Windows.

Note that the default installation path can be:

WindowsInstallPath (64-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)
WindowsInstallPathx86 (32-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)

Commands used for illustration purposes are for Windows.

1. Select the Start > Programs > MyProductLine > Tools > Environment Editor VersionNumber command,

where "MyProductLine" is:


The environment editor belongs to the common suite of Version 5 administration tools.  All the different examples in this section procedure step you through the customization of a CATIA environment,  for illustration purposes. The steps are the same for customizing DELMIA, ENOVIA DMU Navigator, ENOVIAV5VPM and ENOVIA 3d com environments.
You can also start the environment editor by running the command:

WindowsInstallPath\win_b64\code\bin\catiaenv (64-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)
WindowsInstallPathx86\intel_a\code\bin\catiaenv (32-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)

The Environment Editor appears, and looks like this:

Note that the list of existing environments is displayed in the Environment name list. The list will contain all the  environments detected in the current environment folder. The first environment is selected by default.

When an environment in the list is selected, click the right mouse to display a contextual menu of environment manipulation commands.

The Mode field indicates one of two possible values:
  • User: indicates that the environment was set up using your userid, is visible to you and can only be accessed by you (you cannot see anybody else's user environments)
  • Global: indicates that the environment was set up by somebody belonging to the Administrators group, or who has the privileges assigned to the Administrators group (you can see all the global environments on your computer): this is what you will see after an initial installation on your computer.

    Only an administrator can modify global environments.

    This means that you will only see in the Environment name list the names of environments you created, or which are common to all users. You can only edit environments which belong to you. Furthermore, if you select a global environment as end user, you will be able to display an environment, but not edit it.

The Last Modified field specifies the date and time the environment was last modified.

The Environment storage directories area displays the current storage location for both global and user environments. This setting is the location you specified during installation.

2. To reset environment storage directories, select the Options > Set User Storage Directory or the Options > Set Global Storage Directory command to display a file explorer, then explore your filetree to select the directory, and click OK.

Any environments created from now on will be stored in these locations.

You can use the storage directory settings to filter the list of environment names and types displayed. For example, if you created both global and user environments in the same user storage directory, selecting the user storage directory will now only display the user environments, and not the global environments.

3. To display the variables for any environment, click the environment name.

For example, click the CATIAEnvironmentName environment which is the name of the default global environment set up at installation.

This will be the only environment name in the list after a default installation. However, once you create new environments, these will also be displayed in the list.

The variables and their values are displayed:

  • the variable name is displayed on the left
  • and the value (path) for the corresponding variable is displayed to the right.
4. Click a variable name in the list.

The variable name and its corresponding value are highlighted:

For example, the default path for the CATDocView variable in our example is:


However, you may have installed the online documentation in a different folder.

5. If you are authorized to edit the variable, click the variable value to be able to edit it, then type in the new value.

For example, you would type in the new path for the variable CATDocView. The value of the variable is reset in the Environment Variables field.

6. Click OK.

CSIDL Values in Environment Variable Paths

There are a number of folders that are used frequently by applications, but may not have the same name or location on any given system. For example, the system folder is "C:\Windows" on Windows. CSIDL values provide a unique system-independent way to identify these special folders.

Consequently, CSIDL values are now part of paths pointed to by environment variables. The variables concerned are:

  • CATUserSettingPath
  • CATTemp
  • CATReport
  • CATErrorLog
  • CATMetasearchPath
  • CATW3PublishPath

What Is the DSKEY_TMPDIR Key?

The TMP and TEMP variables pointing to the current temporary file path on your computer are not necessarily activated.

The DSKEY_TMPDIR key points to the current temporary file path on your computer which is obtained as follows:

The software does not verify that the directory specified by the TMP or TEMP environment variables exists. The temporary file path is obtained as follows:

  • the path specified by the TMP environment variable.
  • the path specified by the TEMP environment variable, if TMP is not defined.
  • the Windows directory, if both TMP and TEMP are not defined.

To create an environment using the New command

This task explains how to create a new environment using the Environment Editor.
1. Select the Start > Programs > MyProductLine > Tools > Environment Editor command, where "MyProductLine" is:


2. Select the Environment > New command to display the following dialog box:

3. Enter the name of the environment to be created.

4. Enter the path of your installation folder.

The default installation folder path is:

WindowsInstallPath\win_b64 (64-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)
WindowsInstallPathx86\intel_a (32-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)

5. If you logged on as administrator, enter the environment mode.

The type can be user or global (global is available only for administrators only). If you are logged on as a normal end user, the type is set automatically to User.

6. Set the product line by choosing your product line from the list:

  • ENOVIA 3d com
  • ENOVIA DMU Navigator
  • DELMIA Automation.

7. Check the "Server" option if the environment is to be a server-type environment. This concerns ENOVIAV5VPM and ENOVIA 3d com only.

8. Check the Add Desktop Icon option if you want to create a desktop shortcut and an entry in the appropriate Version 5 location of the Start > Programs menu.

9. Check the Overwrite existing environment option to overwrite an existing environment.

10. Click OK to create the environment.

The environment is created in:


where "user" is for a global environment location, or "myuserid" for a user environment location.


To copy an existing environment using the New from... command

This task explains how to create a new environment using the Environment Editor by copying an existing environment.
1. Select the Start > Programs > MyProductLine > Tools > Environment Editor command, where "MyProductLine" is:


  2. Select an environment and click Yes to confirm you want to modify it.
  3. Select the Environment > New from... command to display the following dialog box:

  4. Customize the name of the environment to be created.

5. Enter the path of your installation folder.

The default installation folder path is:

WindowsInstallPath\win_b64 (64-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)
WindowsInstallPathx86\intel_a (32-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)

6. Check Add a new path to this environment and specify where to insert the path (before or after the install path) using the appropriate options if required.

7. If you logged on as administrator, enter the environment mode.

The type can be user or global (global is available only for administrators only). If you are logged on as a normal end user, the type is set automatically to "user".

8. Set the product line by choosing your product line from the list:

  • ENOVIA 3d com
  • ENOVIA DMU Navigator
  • DELMIA Automation.

9. Check the Add Desktop Icon option if you want to create a desktop shortcut and an entry in the appropriate Version 5 location of the Start > Programs menu.

10. Check the Overwrite existing environment option to overwrite an existing environment.

11. Click OK to create the environment.

The environment is created in:


where "user" is for a global environment location, or "myuserid" for a user environment location.

Creating and deleting user-defined variables, and editing variables using the contextual menu

This task explains how to create and delete user-defined variables, and edit any variable, using the contextual menu.
1. Select the Start > Programs > MyProductLine > Tools > Environment Editor VersionNumber command, where "MyProductLine" is:


2. To display the variables for any environment, click the environment name and confirm that you want to modify it.

3. Without selecting a variable, right-click on the variable list to see the contextual commands:

  • New Variable
  • Delete Variable
  • Edit Variable

4. To create a user-defined variable, select the New Variable command to display the Variable Editor dialog box:

and enter the variable name, its value, and a comment if required, then click OK.

5. To delete a user-defined variable, select the variable, then select the Delete Variable command, then click Yes to delete the variable.

Note that you can delete only user-defined variables created using the  New Variable command, and not official variables.

6. To edit any variable, select the variable, select the Edit Variable command to display the Variable Editor dialog box:

then enter its new value and click OK. Note that the variable name and comment field are not available if you are modifying an official variable. However, the name, value and comment are editable if you are editing a user-defined variable only.

7.  Do not forget to save your changes by selecting the Save command, also in the contextual menu.

To create or customize an environment using the setcatenv command

You can also customize environments using the setcatenv command. This command lets you create both user and global environments.

The command is located in:

WindowsInstallPath\win_b64\code\bin (64-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)
WindowsInstallPathx86\intel_a\code\bin (32-bit code on Windows, x64 Edition)

The full list of options for the command:


is as follows:

Operating Environment Options

These options specify the general operating environment:
  • -cs:  specifies the name of the product line for which the environment is being created;

    The value is CATIA (default) for the CATIA product line.

  • -e: environment file name ; the "-e" option is mandatory
  • -d: specifies an existing directory in which the environment file will be created (it does not create the directory if it does not exist); 
    if you do not specify "-d", the environment will be created in:


    where "user" is for a global environment location, or "myuserid" for a user environment location

  • -p: specifies the installation folder, and is mandatory (by default, it is set to the default installation folder: WindowsInstallPath)
  • -server: creates an environment suited for server type environments. The CATUserSettingPath variable value differs between a server environment and an interactive environment. The "-e" option is mandatory when specifying server environments, and always overwrites an existing environment with the same name. Consequently, system administrator rights are required for using this option
  • -cf: specifies the name or path of an existing environment from which you create a new environment.
    For example, the command:
    setcatenv -e MyNewEnv -cf CATIAEnvironmentName
    creates the new environment MyNewEnv from a copy of CATIAEnvironmentName.
    This allows you to inherit previous customizations without having to recreate them in the new environment.
    For example, the CATReferenceSettingPath variable is frequently used to store settings locked by the administrator, and may concatenate several different levels of settings. Copying an existing environment saves you time because you do not having to customize the new environment.
    Note that if you do not use the "-cf" option, all the variables are set with their default values in the new environment. If only the name is specified in the "-cf " option, the template environment is searched in the default storage directories (user or global).

Behavior Options

These options determine a type of behavior:
  •  -v yes/no:
    • -v yes (default): verbose mode
    • -v no: non-verbose mode.
  •  -new yes/no:
    • yes ( default): an environment with the same name (if it exists) is overwritten
    • no: if an environment has the same name, this time it is not overwritten (nothing happens).

    However, note that if no environment using the same name is detected, a new environment is created in both cases (whether you use "yes" or "no").

  • -tools: sets up the Tools menu containing the Environment Editor VersionNumber,  Nodelock Key Management VersionNumber, Settings Management VersionNumber, Software Management VersionNumber, Batch  Management VersionNumber and Printers VersionNumber commands.
    This is an exclusive option: run this command once like this: 
    setcatenv -tools -cs MyProductLine
  • -desktop yes/no: sets up the desktop representation of the environment, if it does not already exist. The default is "yes". Equivalent to "-icon yes" "-menu yes".
  • -icon yes/no: creates a startup icon on the desktop; default is "yes"
  • -menu yes/no: creates a startup icon in the Start menu; default is "yes"

Action Options

These options specify a particular creation or modification action:
  • -a user/global:  specifies whether you are creating a user or global environment. The default value is "user". Note that you need administrator rights to create a global environment.
  • -h: displays help.

The catenv.log log file logs environment creation and modification operations. The log file is created in the temporary folder in one of the following locations:

  • the path specified by the TMP environment variable

  • the path specified by the TEMP environment variable, if TMP is not defined

  • the current directory, if both TMP and TEMP are not defined.

Creating an environment using the setcatenv command sets up the following environment:
  • sets up Start > Programs > MyProductLine menu by adding the shortcut for your environment
  • and creates the shortcut for your environment on the desktop.
If you create a new environment, you can start a session using the new environment with the command:

cnext -env my_new_environment -direnv MyEnvDirectory

where "my_new_environment" is the name of the environment you created, and  "MyEnvDirectory" is the name of the environment directory.

To delete an environment using the delcatenv command

Use the command:


  • -e: environment file name ; the "-e" option is mandatory
  • -d: specifies the directory containing the environment; the default is CSIDL_APPDATA\CATEnv.
  • -a user/global:  specifies whether you are deleting a user or global environment. The default value is "user". Note that you need administrator rights to delete a global environment.
  • -desktop: if it exists, deletes its graphical representation, in other words, how it is represented to the user on the user's desktop (desktop shortcut, shortcut in Start menu, etc.). The default is "yes".
  • -tools: deletes the Tools menu containing the Batch  Management VersionNumber, Environment Editor VersionNumber,  Nodelock Key Management VersionNumber, Settings Management VersionNumber, Software Management VersionNumber, and Printers VersionNumber commands.
    This is an exclusive option: run this command once like this: 
    delcatenv -tools -cs MyProductLine
  • -cs [CATIA|ENOVIA_DMU_Navigator|ENOVIA_VPM|DELMIA|DELMIA Automation|ENOVIA_3d_com|ENOVIA_VPM_Navigator]: specifies the product line whose desktop tools you want to delete; the default is CATIA.
  • -v yes/no:
    • -v yes (default): verbose mode
    • -v no: non-verbose mode
  • -server: deletes an environment suited for server type environments. The CATUserSettingPath variable value differs between a server environment and an interactive environment. The "-e" option is mandatory when specifying server environments. System administrator rights are required for using this option.
  • -h: displays help.
Keep in mind that deleting an environment using the delcatenv command deletes all the registry entries.

To list environments using the lscatenv command

Run the lscatenv command to list the names of all environments on your computer:


  • -a user/global:  lists user or global environments. You must specify one or the other.
  • -d:  specifies the directory containing the environment; the default is CSIDL_APPDATA\CATEnv.
  • -h:  displays help.

To read environments using the readcatenv command

Run the readcatenv command to read the environment variables in a specified environment:


  •  -e: environment file name
  •  -d:  specifies the directory containing the environment; the default is CSIDL_APPDATA\CATEnv.
  •  -a user/global:  specifies user or global environment. You must specify one or the other.
  •  -var:  specifies a variable whose value is to be read; if you omit "-var", all variables will be displayed
  •  -h:  displays help.

To modify environments using the chcatenv command

Run the chcatenv command to edit one or more environment variables:


  •  -e: environment file name
  •  -d:  specifies the directory containing the environment; the default is CSIDL_APPDATA\CATEnv.
  •  -a user/global:  specifies user or global environment. You must specify one or the other.
  •  -var: specifies a variable whose value is to be modified. The following syntax is allowed:
     CATVariable = new_path
     CATVariable = %CATVariable%; new_path
     CATVariable = new_path; %CATVariable%

    If the path includes blanks, include the whole string in " ".

  • -new: creates a new user-defined variable (specified by the "-var" option) with its corresponding value 


chcatenv -e CATIAEnvironmentName -e global -var TOTO="%"TEMP"%" -new

  • -del: deletes a user-defined variable
  • -comment "text": adds a comment only to variables you created; the text must be added between " "
  • -h:  displays help.



Running this command... Displays this: 
readcatenv -e CATIAEnvironmentName -a global CATInstallPath=WindowsInstallPath\intel_a

readcatenv -e CATIAEnvironmentName -a global -var CATInstallPath CATInstallPath=WindowsInstallPath\intel_a
readcatenv -e CATIAEnvironmentName -d C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DassaultSystemes\CATEnv -var CATInstallPath CATInstallPath=WindowsInstallPath\intel_a

chcatenv -e CATIAEnvironmentName -a user -var CATInstallPath=%CATInstallPath%;C:\Temp CATInstallPath=WindowsInstallPath\intel_a;C:\Temp

chcatenv -e CATIAEnvironmentName -a user -var CATInstallPath=C:\Temp CATInstallPath=C:\Temp

chcatenv -e CATIAEnvironmentName -a user -var NewVar=C:\Temp -new NewVar=C:\Temp

lscatenv -d C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DassaultSystemes\CATEnv

Environment creation and manipulation commands are logged in the file catenv.log.
The feedback obtained when using all the administration commands from the command line is now output to the current command prompt window.

To Set Up Two Environments With Different Licensing Settings

A situation may arise in which you have two different configurations installed on your computer, and you want to use both configuration licenses.

Each time you use one of the configurations, your licensing settings are stored in the same place. This means that when you start "Configuration 1", acquire the corresponding license, then exit your session, your licensing settings are saved. When you start "Configuration 2", your previous licensing settings are retrieved, so you must acquire the new license. Each time you exit, the previous licensing settings are overwritten by the new licensing settings.

This means that, when you use different configurations alternately, you have to continually reacquire the corresponding license each time you start.

You can avoid this problem by editing each environment. Let's assume that the two configurations are installed on an Intel computer running Windows, and that you are authorized to edit each environment. The two variables of interest are:

  • CATReferenceSettingPath
  • CATUserSettingPath

In the default environments created, let's assume each variable has the following values:

Environment 1

CATReferenceSettingPath   C:\Admin_License_Settings
CATUserSettingPath          %CSIDL_APPDATA%\Dassault Systemes\CATSettings

For example, on Windows, CATUserSettingPath usually points to:


where "user" is your userid.

Environment 2

CATReferenceSettingPath   C:\Admin_License_Settings
CATUserSettingPath          %CSIDL_APPDATA%\Dassault Systemes\CATSettings

Note that, for the moment, the path pointed to by CATUserSettingPath is the same in both cases. Your licensing settings are saved here each time you use a configuration.

1. Select the Start > Programs > MyProductLine > Tools > Environment Editor VersionNumber command,

where "MyProductLine" is:


2. Edit "Environment 1" and reset the value for the CATUserSettingPath variable as follows:


3. Edit "Environment 2" and reset the value for the CATUserSettingPath variable as follows:


4. Start configuration 1, acquire the license and exit the session.

Your license settings will now be stored in:


5. Start configuration 2, acquire the license and exit the session.


You will be able to use each configuration alternately, and without having to reacquire the corresponding license each time. However, you must not use the Tools > Options command.