
  This tab allows you to design a unique geometrical range. Normally, the range of “precision=1µm, model size=1km” is used for all industries.

This tab contains the following categories of options:

Design limits


In the Design limits list, select the desired range.

By default, Normal range is selected.

The following two extreme ranges are available:

  • Small range: Allows creating smaller geometries with a high accuracy, less than 1 micron (“submicron order” precision). A new geometrical range: from 0.01µm to 1m is available to design small parts in particular for industries where the need for downsizing keeps increasing.
    The Small range capability is available on several applications in particular on Mechanical Design core products (Part Design, Generative Shape Design, Drafting, Assembly, etc.)

    You must not use VBScript or VBA macros in a small range session.
  • Large range: Allows creating larger geometries with a high accuracy, less than 1mm precision. A new geometrical range: from 0.1mm to 10km is available to design large parts in particular for industries like civil infrastructure, pipeline transmission of oil and gas, hydro-electric development.

  • The range has to be selected at the beginning of the CATIA session. If the range is changed, you have to restart the session to take into account the new range.
  • All documents in a single CATIA V5 session have the same range. There are no mixed-range documents in the same session.


Gives the technical data and detailed information about the selected range.


Characteristic Values

Displays the characteristic values for the selected range.

  • Precision: Precision value of the selected range.

  • Working area: Area between small feature dimension and usual size of big part. To make a design robust, reliable, with better memory consumption and better performance, the major part of the design must be created in the Working area.
    Normal range is defined by the following characteristic values:
    • Precision equal to 0.001mm
    • Working Area equal to 1000000mm

    Small range is defined by the following characteristic values:

    • Precision equal to 0.01µm
    • Working Area equal to 1m

    Large range is defined by the following characteristic values:

    • Precision equal to 0.1mm
    • Working Area equal to 10000000mm


Displays recommendations for the selected range.

The new range is applied only after you restart the CATIA session. A message indicating this is displayed.

In the Knowledge Base
General information about assembly documents with different ranges